Why do we do what we do? How many times have you asked yourself this question? Do it.
Why do WE do what WE do? There are a multitude of different answers depending on the person. We do it because we love what we do. I do it because of the challenge of running a business. Maybe, it is to be an employer and give people jobs.
When it comes to running a social media education company in Indianapolis I haven’t quite pinpointed the main push that drives me to work everyday. I love what I do, I love the people I work with, and I love the concept of educating people on the wonderful world of social media. However, there is one thing that always pushes me passed the edge and gets the juices flowing: that spark.
The spark of a business owner, employee, sole-proprietor, or salesman understanding the concepts of communicating online. When you are standing in front of a group of people you can almost see the light bulbs explode over their heads… in brilliant light… that is where I enjoy my life. Education can change businesses… shifting paradigms is important to growing companies.
If the only thing you can do is teach your clients something… anything… to make their lives easier, faster, and better… you have done the right thing. We are all striving for something and most of the time it is taking the red to black.
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Cindy Hartman
Kyle – I attended one of your classes and you helped me turn on a couple light bulbs! The passion you have for educating others is very obvious. You do a great job helping the non-expert understand how and more importantly WHY!
Thanks Cindy!
Jeff Hurt
I think you described why you do what you do: It's your passion for helping others! You've combined your love for social media and communications with your passion to educate and help others. As a friend of mine says, you've plugged into "Your Best & Highest Use."
There's nothing like the "Aha" moment of watching another person understand something new for the first time. You and the learner both share that light-bulb moment together of "I did it!" Likewise, your passion and enthusiasm is contagious. People are drawn to you because you're willing to help, willing to share, willing to educate, willing to give of your time. You have the abundance mentality and it draws others to you. Way to go Kyle!
I am humbled by this comment Jeff. Thank you for responding with such a kind post. Any individual can find what they are best at just by listening to others around them. We all do what we do because it drives and fuels our growth as individuals.
That’s way the bestest anwser so far!