Thank you to Edison Research and Arbitron for building an extremely comprehensive report for navigating the digital world. If you are a marketer and have not read the initial research… you should. All marketers, both traditional and digital, should read the report.
And when I say all… I mean… everyone.
When I was reviewing the initial research it struck me how one sided some people can be when building marketing and communication plans. Believe me… I am to blame as well. The report gives a very clear look at how the majority of Americans are consuming media.
Check out the graphic from the research report.
Television still reigns supreme with radio, Facebook, and online video falling close behind. It is also extremely important to recognize where all other forms of media fall in relation to reach and use.
Twitter is resting at 8% and YouTube is at 49%. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some major crossover between “watching online video” and “watching YouTube.”
If you take the research at face value… you would assume that the top five ways to reach the public would be:
1. Create a television advertisement
2. Pay for a local radio ad campaign
3. Buy an ad on the online radio version of number two
4. Create an online video to distribute and share
5. Create a Facebook Page and market through ads
While every step of this process is valuable… it is also important to remember it is about the individual… not the mass market.
It is about WHO not HOW MANY.
It is important for all marketers to remember that research… is just that… research. We must use research to help inform our education and creative strategy… however… if you database does not match up with the research… you listen to the database.
The problem in marketing is not the lack of research… it is the lack of actually listening to our clients, constituents, and consumers.
Thanks to Jay Baer for pointing me towards the research.
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Just watched the seo one (linked in Corey’s coment) which linked to this one
Louis E. Carabini
Qualvu has launched a new app enabling brands to take advantage of mobile phones to reach consumers during those moments of truth when they are interacting with products and services anywhere and anytime.. Mobile video-based connectivity gives companies insights and depths of understanding from consumers at the very moment a consumer is shopping for a product using a product or evaluating a product according to Qualvu s CEO and Founder John Williamson. The Qualvu App expands Qualvu s pioneering to bring a business s questions to where the consumers are engages them in their own terms and allows a company to get into consumers lives in ways that are impossible through other methods. It turns every moment into a market research opportunity and empowers consumers to tell businesses what they need to know on camera even if they haven t asked the question he added.. Mobile video research makes the focus group as quaint as the telegraph and as obsolete as the payphone he said Using smartphones is far more economical and based on hundreds of online projects we know that the Qualvu method allows brands to not only understand what consumers truthfully think but also how they behave. .Since 2008 Qualvu has innovated technologies to help businesses harness consumer-driven Internet video to help businesses make better decisions. The company also recently announced Qualvu DIY an online video-based qualitative research project creator where clients can easily build their own projects in minutes and immediately begin asynchronous video conversations with their consumers about their products and services..Combined with Qualvu App clients can go to designate that they want panelists to respond through their smartphones on-the-go and indicate what criteria they want for the respondents demographic profile. Respondents are then notified that they have a new project available. They log into the app watch the moderator ask the questions via video and present stimuli such as video or print ads photos or other graphics and consumers submit video responses recorded from their mobile phones. The video response is then uploaded to Qualvu s intuitive client portal called where clients can watch them sort them conduct searches for keywords or phrases and even easily create video highlight reels of the most important or insightful comments Williamson explained.. Qualvu s ultimate goal is to facilitate continuous candid and relevant communication between brands and consumers allowing businesses to make better decisions to ensure that their strategies are congruent with their consumers needs Williamson said.. Given where the 2.0 world is going and how new technologies are changing the way we live and share information this seemed like the next logical move for a company like Qualvu that has worked hard to make qualitative research accessible to all businesses from start-ups to small businesses to the world s leading brands. Reach busy professionals dynamic teenagers and other hard-to-reach groups on the go in any geography..Williamson said that the idea of gathering market research through mobile devices has reached a tipping point because of the burgeoning mobile communications market.