I was reading through The Next Web and came across a post called the Perfect Viral Marketing in 2010. I thought to myself, “I love viral marketing so why not check out the video that Boris listed underneath the post. The video is an absolutely brilliant video produced by Slate V on Youtube.
I doubt that marketing companies will ever take the concept of viral marketing to the point where they are paying actors to actually relate to a consumer group. The concept is absolutely hilarious.
There is something to learn from the video from a marketing perspective. When you are building and implementing a marketing strategy try to get into the heads of your target market. Don’t take it to the point where you are PERSONALLY entering into their lives.
The concept is worthy enough to note. 🙂 Watch the video!
Derek McClain
This is hilarious. I love the pictures of them on dates. Hopefully this will not become the reality of marketing.
EL Numero Juan
That video was so funny. The concept is great. I really enjoyed your post.
It’s important to get inside your target’s head so you can get them to do what you want.
The video was fun, thanks 🙂 In real life, I’m sure a stunt like this would generate a ton of bad publicity. I might be naive, but I think people react better if you give them something to believe in, rather than pulling some sort of mind gimmick.
…that is, unless you’re advertising the The Dark Knight movie 😉