BlueLock is a local company here in Indianapolis that is leading the way in the innovative technology of Cloud Computing. They were recently highlighted at a conference in Las Vegas and featured on WishTV. You can watch the video below.
Cloud Computing has been a major topic in the world of blogging:
1. Info World: Will the Downturn Accelerate Cloud Computing
2. bMights: Running Your Business in the Cloud
3. Lorraine Ball @ Indy-Biz: New Developments in Cloud Computing
4. Blogoscoped: Richard Stallman vs Cloud Computing
5. Dan @ itToolBox: Big Trouble Coming for Cloud Computing
Whether you have a distate for the cloud or you love the concept, I thought it was awesome that an Indianapolis company is making headway with this technology.
I know that most of the time I am either talking about social media, social media marketing or social media in Indianapolis but I thought it was awesome that BlueLock was being featured in the technology arena. I encourage everyone to watch the video below to get a small taste of what BlueLock is offering.
Lorraine Ball
Thanks for picking up the feature on BlueLock. This is a terrific company, with a well put together value proposition to enable companies to bring their applications and appliances to the cloud.