Chris Brogan has a recent post called You’re Doing It Wrong. The post discusses the concept that we are all doing it wrong at one time or another (pertaining to social media). I was reading it tonight while watching NCIS or CSI… or maybe it was Law & Order? I am not quite sure. Beside the point…

I realized something extremely important after reading the post. And by all counts of innovative thought or light bulb moments… this doesn’t compare whatsoever but it does shed light on something simple.

At Least You Are Trying

The majority of my days are spent talking with small business owners about social media marketing. We have developed strategies and tools that allow our clients to use social media as a tool in their marketing plan. While it is important to have a strategy and the tools… it is also just as important to dip your feet into the pool. Just try it.

You can read multiple blogs about the rights and wrongs of using social media. You can rant and rave about not using Twitter, using Friendfeed, whether AUTO-DMs are right or wrong, organic search marketing or paid search… the truth of the matter is.. and I am going to quote Chris:

“Because we’re all doing it our own way, and it’s not always going to match the way you think it works best. And just like pretty much all of life, we’ll get there somehow.”

It is extremely important to start in your own way. Get out there are try the tools after the kids go to bed. Surf through facebook for 30 mins on your lunch break. Get acquainted.

Once you get acquainted… maybe then it will be the time to hire a firm or spend some money on a strategy plan for social media. And then again…

At least you are trying.