Who is Douglas Karr? If you don’t know, you should. Douglass Karr is a Social Media consultant, United States Veteran and the CEO of DK New Media, an online marketing company. His company helps implement social media into large technology companies. Doug himself is a professional speaker who does on-site strategic consulting or private blog coaching. This doesn’t do him or his company justice. Let’s get to know this guy and what he does a little better. Doug has helped hundreds of companies realize the power of blogging through his Corportate Blogging book due out in August. He is also the founding father of the Marketing Technology Blog which features many informed authors. Douglas himself has written 1,513 posts with his latest being How to Generate A YouTube Thumbnail. To say the least… this guy knows a thing or two about social media, blogging and search engine optimization.
The way DK New Media serves its clients is through a process. (taken from DKNewMedia.com)
1.Analysis – of the clients in terms of their current resources, strategies and implementations.
2.Implementation – of the tools and processes necessary to measure success.
3.Optimization – of campaigns to continuously improve the results as opportunities arise.
4.Automation – development and integration of tools and processes to reduce resources.
5.Education – of client’s staff to assume control and execution of the strategies developed.
This process ensures the creation of a successful strategy plan. They fully embrace the ideal of being partners with their clients versus consultants, developers or subcontractors. DK New Media has helped companies from all over the world. It is a company known for being innovative, creative and experts in this field. The Marketing Technology Blog showcases these very attributes by acknowledging other like minded experts and being as current as possible. This blog, in short, leaves nothing out. It provides all the technology and marketing advice you could ever want (or need). The blogs alone offer rich, relevant content from experts who have experience and know how…..not to mention these blogs are also interesting. However, don’t just take my word for it. Visit yourself and discover something new and valuable. I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Douglas Karr…you can call him Doug…he and his company are one to read about.
And not to mention… he is the one who started me in the world of social media!
Douglas Karr
Wow, thanks Kyle! I may have been a mentor early on, but you've quickly reached for the sky in your own pursuit. I'm really looking forward to doing some more work with you in the near future. I love how our two organizations balance one another – Brandswag is much more socially creative. My firm is more 'clean, rinse, repeat' to help implement and manage the processes.
Thanks Again!
Derek McClain
Douglas is the real deal. The information he shares is so valuable and anyone that does not follow him that is in marketing/technology field is really missing out. From my experience with Douglas, he has always gone out of his way to help others by taking the time to reach out to his following. The things he is doing over at DK New Media are impressive and I know he's gonna knock it out of the park!
Aaron Craig
I have only met Doug a few times, and within those few brief meetings with him (either at a local coffee shop or a networking event), you can immediately see the passion and knowledge that Doug has for corporate blogging. He takes blogging to a whole new level by leveraging this social media tool within the corporate sector. I am very eager to read his book.