Hi. I'm Kyle. I'm obsessed with how technology influences and ultimately changes human behavior. This site is a collection of my ideas and opinions while pursuing life.

The majority of my time on the road is spent discussing technology trends that are transforming the way society lives, works and plays.
For modern businesses, change management is the only thing that keeps you relevant. In order to survive, businesses must transition to a world where the consumer is in charge and the experience reigns supreme.
It's my job to help you change.
Below you will find a smattering of interview and stories that were powered by my team's content and speaking over the past 4 years. More to come!
- TechRadar/Juan Martinez: Salesforce: 'Brands must focus on planning, personalization and optimization', 9.23.14 (TechAZ also picked it up)
- Proxxima/Isabella Lessa (BR): 7 trends of technology that will transform communication, 9.25.14 (picked up by Meio & Mensagem in Brazil)
- FierceEnterpriseCommunications/Scott Fulton: Could Twitter redefine 'relevance?' A talk with Salesforce's Kyle Lacy, 9.25.14
- FierceEnterpriseCommunications/Scott Fulton: Salesforce's Kyle Lacy: The role of predictive intelligence in publishing, 9.29.14
- 2 Key Techniques for Making Email Content More Mobile-Friendly
- How Salesforce.com Could Benefit From Building (Or Buying) A DMP
- Do You Know How To Solve These Common Email Marketing Mistakes?
- Music To Our Ears
- Le marketing digital promis à un avenir brillant
- Ciblez avec précision vos cyber clients
- Why is the Future of Content Marketing in 2014 So Damn Boring?
- B2B Marketing : 6 tips to optimize sales in the Mobile Social Ag
- eB2B Marketing : 6 tips to optimize sales in the Mobile Social Age
- Hyperconnected Consumer: 4 tips to leverage engagement
- Holidays In August: A Holiday Email Marketing Schedule [Infographic]
- Own Your Audience: The Other Side of Content Marketing
- Brands Missing Out On Audience Development
- Social media’s a great opportunity, but also a great challenge” - Getty Images
- The Most Effective Tactics for Acquiring Facebook Fans and Twitter Followers
- 5 Big Reasons to Use Email to Reach Holiday Shoppers
- Social Sharing, Automation Help Power Email Marketing Forwards
- ‘Tis The Season for Holiday Email Marketing [Infographic]
- Welcome to the Internet of Customers
- 2013 Content Marketing Prediction Hits and Misses
- Four strategic ways to use #hashtags for marketing
- Top tips to terrific tweets
- Hyperconnected Consumer: 4 tips to leverage engagement with your brand
- Salesforce1 : nouvelle plateforme taillée pour l'internet des objets
- Marketing data : Salesforce1 prend son envol
- Learning from the charity sector: how to get results from social media
- For the Love of Email
- 5 Types of Social Media Complainers—And How To Handle Them
- Pitfalls of Sending Mobile Newsletters
- Ce que va apporter ExactTarget à Salesforce
- Should Digital Audience Growth Objective be Quantity or Quality?
- Are These Twitter Tactics Effective?"
- User-centered Content Generates High Demand"
- Ce que Salesforce est vraiment
- Avec ExactTarget, Salesforce renforce son analyse du parcours client
- How Mobile Is Influencing Marketing
- How Retailers Can Use Guided Selling to Drive Holiday Sales
- Dreamforce 13 – Marketing Cloud devient ExactTarget. Et alors ?
- David Bohan: Marketing experts' predictions for 2013 mostly rang true
- Marketing Automation News from Dreamforce: B2B More Integrated, B2C Stays Separate2 Key Techniques for Making Email Content More Mobile-Friendly
- 7 Questions About Facebook's New Star Ratings System
- 5 Marketing Infographics‘
- Marketers are leading the shift to the internet of customers’
- TechPoint Targets Tech Talent
- How to Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Dental Practice
- Les stratégies marketing à l’heure d’un Noël 2.0
- Dreamforce Roudup: Revamped Marketing Cloud, Mobile And Predictive Analytics
- Salesforce go API-first with Salesforce1
- Can We Now Please Shut Up About Gmail Tabs?
- The secret word in content marketing
- It's Almost 2014: How Well Is Your Brand Helping Customers?