LinkedIN is being talked about constantly in the small business world in #Indianapolis (oops.. sorry the hashtag is out of habit). I thought I would add my flair onto how to use and not to use LinkedIN.
How to Rock it on LinkedIN
We have all wanted to be rockstars at one time or another in life. I always wanted to be Tom Morello from the last Rage Against the Machine.. and sometimes… I still do. In light of my extreme Tom Morello man-crush…here are 10 ways to rock it on LinkedIN.
1. Be the first to answer on Q&A. When you are surfing the questions and answer sections of LinkedIN it is important to keep the “Be The First To Answer” link in the back of your mind. People are more likely to read the top three answers than the couple on the bottom.
2. Go 3 and 3. Pick three local groups you can join and three global groups. Keep the number at six or below in order to help you manage the multiple emails you will be getting fromt he groups. You don’t want to get overwhelmed. Also, try to add comments or some type of thought into half the groups (3) once a day.
3. It is better to add all your work experiences not just your current. (Thanks Guy) You will have a better chance at finding more connections by adding your previous employers. Who knows what could come out of it!
4. You must give to receive. Give out those recommendations and you will receive them in return. People put greater stock into the LinkedIN recommendations that are given by other people because they know (to an extent) they are sincere. It beats putting them up on your website… not very trustworthy.
5. Put your LinkedIN address on your business card. It is going to be easier for people to add you on LinkedIN if they have your url in their possesion. Add it to your next business card and always ask if they are on the site.
How to NOT Rock on LinkedIN
1. Fill out your profile to 95%. Believe me this sounds easy but I cannot tell you how many times I have come across a profile and it is only filled out to 75-92%. Seriously? Did you not take the time to just fill in your last job? Give me a break.
2. Add your logo instead of your picture. Be personal. Add your picture and use your real name. Please?
3. Lie on your LinkedIN profile. You would think this would be a given but it’s not. Just don’t do it. The Internet NEVER FORGETS.
4. Become a connection whore! If you add 114,000,403 people within your first week of being on the network. You have completely missed the point. Don’t become a connection whore! Add the people you have met face to face. It will keep your relationships and connections strong.
5. Send an invitation without clearing explaining the objective. Do you have a business card to a person at a networking event and just walk away? Don’t do it on LinkedIN.
That’s it for me. Write them down. Pin them up. Laminate it and put them in your wallet.
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LinkedIn is definitely something that I struggle with. I feel as though you have to go digging through it to really find the value. Within the networks I am connected, I just do not see people interacting the way they do on Facebook. It’s almost too formal.
None the less, I still think these are solid ideas an recommendations. I am going to try a few, so let’s see what happens.
Thanks as always,
Geoff Wood
Agree wholeheartedly on not being a connection whore (like Barack Obama and Chris Brogan); see my post on the topic here:
I disagree a bit on recommendations. I cringe every time I see someone trade recommendations (you recommend me and I’ll recommend you), it makes them seem less value. I think the whole recommendation system needs an overhaul.
The interaction on Facebook and LinkedIn are definitely different but I find that valuable! Facebook is filled with my college buddies (and our pictures) while LinkedIn is filled with my employees, business partners, clients, and potential employers. It’s important to be genuine in both platforms but my tone is typically different.
Scott Allen
It’s true that giving recommendations will cause you to get more. But as to whether to post them or not? Consider whether they really add value. If it’s a co-worker, whether a boss or subordinate, it’s reasonable that both people would recommend each other. In a client/vendor relationship, it’s not. With rare exception, the vendor is in no position to recommend the client (what – “they paid their bill on time”?). You may have to ask for recommendations from clients. If you know they had a good experience with you, don’t feel awkward about that.
Agreed with everything else here, Kyle — great post.
For a funny perspective on lying on your LinkedIn profile, see Why You Need to Be Completely Honest on LinkedIn.
That’s a mold-breaker. Great thikning!