Lorraine Ball and myself decided to make a list of 50 of the top bloggers in Indianapolis. Let me give you the run down of how people made the list.
This is not ranked.
50 could be bigger than number 1.
I made the decision on who to make the list by updates on who I read. I read most of the blogs on the list. If you have not updated for the month of November you were not placed on the list.
I apologize ahead of time for anyone I have forgotten. Now. Enjoy
1. Douglas Karr: Technology and everything web
Recent Post: StumbleUpon Continues to Feed My Blog
2. Erik Deckers: Humor:
Recent Post: Sport Stacking: Pretty Cool, But It’s Not A Sport:
3. Hazel Walker: Referral Marketing and Networking
Recent Post: Your Reputation and Networking
4. Amy Magan: Lighthearted fare about Diet Coke, Scrabble and other encounters with life.
Recent Post: Wordless Wednesday: Food Fun
5. Jeb Banner: Web Design and Everything Media
Recent Post: Secrets of Psychic Web Pages by Small Box EXPOSED
6. Patric Welch: Technology Consultant
Recent Post: When You Think Netflix Don’t Think Just Movies
7. Pat Coyle: Sports Marketing
Recent Post: Will Young Fans Choose Virtual Over Reality?
8. Lorraine Ball: Small Business Marketing
Recent Post: My Top 50 Blogs
9. Colin Clark: Social Media Guru
Recent Post: Changing Marketing Hubs
10. Chris Baggott: Blogging and SEO
Recent Post: Blogs for Business: My Lunch with a Real Estate Company
11. Susan Davis: Day Nursery Blog
Recent Post: Setting the Turkeys Free
12. Jason Bean: Technology and all things web
Recent Post: Pockets Can Be Dangerous in Cold Weather
13. Casey Mullins: Pretty much the best mommy blogger I know. 🙂
Recent Post: The Beach Has Gone to the Dogs
14. Matt Zentz: Practical Internet Marketing
Recent Post:Website Chauffeurs
15. Tom Britt: Information about Geist, Indiana
Recent Post: Geist Clubhouse Issue Headed for a Vote
16. CJ McClanahan: Business Org and Management:
Recent Post: Mistakes
17. Amy Stark: One of the smartest people I know and NFP extraordinaire!
Recent Post: One Laptop Per Child
18. Nicki Laycoax: Crazy. Cool. Marketer
Recent Post: Need to Know More About Your Network? Use Twitter
19. Mark Juleen: Pretty much the coolest guy ever and everything marketing
Recent Post: Social Media & Music Story of the Year
20.Aaron Renn: Urban Enthusiast and a “thinker”
Recent Post: The Facts on the Ground
21. Rodger Johnson: Public Relations
Recent Post: For Business Sake Create a Corporate Blog!
22. Megan Glover: Blog Content, Marketing and SEO
Recent Post: Compendium Client – Estridge Homes named in recent article.
23. Ken Moore: Career Counseling, Resume Writing
Recent Post: How To Avoid 3 Common Job Search Mistakes
24. Brad Ruggles: Marketing, Social Media, Design, Religion
Recent Post: Watch. Think. Discuss
25. Chuck Gose: Cellular Digital Signage
Recent Post: Updates From The Strategy Institute
26. Duncan Alney and Chad Richards: Social Media, Marketing, Design
Recent Post: Obama Marketing
27. Erin McMahon: Social Media NFP and the Internet
Recent Post: Does Twitter Ranking Constitute Vanity?
28. William Brown: Sports, College, Education
Recent Post: Colleges Tackle Climate Change at AASHE…
29. Jacob Leffler: Amazing Designer and Visionary
Recent Post: Madison Avenue Biggies See Digital Media As Stable
30. Justin Clupper: Digital Signage and Other Fun Things
Recent Post: I hate to say it… but Digital Signage is Old
31. Matt Breeden: Sports Law and Everything Sports
Recent Post: $500,000 in Fees To Fire Sampson?
32. Andy Horning: Government and the Constitution
Recent Post:OK, So Now What?
33. Scott Henderson: MediaSauce Creative Blog
Recent Post: Why Won’t You Listen? AirTran Loses.
34. Noah Coffey: Technology and Web
Recent Post:Win a Nintendo WII from Mr. Noobie
35. Kevin Makice: Indiana University Professor
Recent Post A Very Long Wait
36. Stephen James:Designer, Thinking, Just plain Awesome
Recent Post: CSSsprite: Photoshop script combines two images for CSS hover
37. Deb New: connecting ideas between business and communication
Recent Post:Talk the Talk with Gen Y
38. Joe Wikert: Future Visions of Print, Online, Video and All Media
Recent Post: An Interesting New Publishing Model
39. Chris Lucas: Sports and Information
Recent Post: Rich Rod Is Right
40. Michelle Hartz: Design, Branding, and Dreams
Recent Post: Four Foods on Friday
41. Ed Illig: Branding and Design
Recent Post: Yes, It’s Shameless Self Promotion
42. Hoosierati: Culture and Humanitarian Concepts in Indiana
Recent Post: Master the Technology and Share The Cookies
43. Ruth Holladay: Ex-Journalist and an Amazing Writer. I love reading this blog
Recent Post: Gannett fans flames of resentment with deep sacrifices comments.
44. Emily Sutherland: Everything Gaither.. and some personal stuff 🙂
Recent Post: Wes In A Booster Seat
45. Hope Baugh: Everything Theatre.. This is a great blog.
Recent Post: More Alike Than Not: Stories of Three Americans
46. TheContent Wrangler: Content is a business asset
Recent Post: DITA Metrics: Developing Cost Metrics
47. Brad Ward: Social Media and Education
Recent Post:The Good Project Graveyard [Part 1]
48. Neil Cox: Thoughts on Serving People and Christian Community
Recent Post: 7 Ways To Bring About Change
49. Santina Sullivan: Marketing, Consulting, and PR
Recent Post: Product Placements and Breakfast at Tiffany’s
50. John Wooten: Marketing, Social Media, and Web Design
Recent Post: New Site: Kristie Blankenhorn
51. Nila Nealy: Branding, Branding, Branding, and Design
Recent Post: It Really Is The Little Things
52. Susan Conyers: Marketing Professional and Twitterati
Recent Post: A Reality Based Argument
If you know of anyone else that has been a great blogger in Indianapolis. Please place their name and url in the comment box. I want them to be added to the list.
You can find many more Indianapolis and Indiana bloggers at Smaller Indiana.
Solid list Kyle thanks. Picked up some new feeds for my Indy tag in greader. If you applied some measurements, it would be great to post weekly so everyone can watch the ups and downs … I know I read a few “top marketing” lists that do this
Check it out!
Michelle Hartz
Thanks for the, er, nomination? It really surprised me.
But the one thing that wasn’t a surprise is how many of these blogs I already follow. This is a good list. And I see a few that I may need to add to my reader…
Thanks for listing me Kyle, much appreciated. Great to see some of these others here as well, adding many to my RSS! Keep up the good work.
Jacob Leffler
Kyle and Lorraine,
Thank you for the recognition. It seems with this list I am in very good company.
Much appreciated,
Lorraine Ball
My RSS feed is going to be overloaded by the end of the day. But thanks for suggesting we do this. It was really fun
T in B-ton
My ego was starting to sag there until I did a Google PageRank check on some of the blogs I randomly chose from the above list and realized that they all ranked same as or lower than my blog. Ego is back to happily skipping through cyberspace…yay! 😉
Michael Kaltenmark
He may be a dog, but he’s got a blog! It’s Butler Blue II, the official mascot of Butler University and he’s learned to type. Enjoy!
Ken Moore
Kyle and Lorraine:
Thanks for the blogging kudos! I found some interesting reading across the wide variety of blogs.
There are a bunch of lifestyle blogs that aren’t included here, ones that are widely read and pretty prominent beyond the local community. One big example is Renee’s food blog.
Renee Wilmeth: Feed Me/Drink Me
(I wanted to add more – Pasta Queen, Hoosier Beer Geek & Bilerico to name a few – but the spam blocker kept refusing them…)
I’d also be remiss if I didn’t point out that Ben Shine also writes for the Firebelly Blog (though less lately). He’s my husband, so, well, I ought to mention that.
moosh in indy.
One of two that got a smiley face?
I’m blushing.
Thanks dude.
Thanks for compiling and including me! I have a few new blogs to follow now 🙂
Chuck Gose
Thanks for the recognition Kyle and Lorraine. But here’s another one to add to your list:
Susan Davis
Day Nursery is so flattered to be mentioned on this list. We are enjoying this new way of communicating our mission to the public after 110 years of doing it the old fashioned way! Thanks! Susan Davis
Nicki Laycoax
Thank you again Kyle and Lorraine! It's great to be among so many great minds!
Colin Clark
Thanks so much guys! You both would of made my list as well. I’m going to have to check out everybody else on the list.
Hope Baugh
I thanked you on Smaller Indiana, too, but want to thank you here, too. Kyle and Lorraine, you guys made my day by including my blog on your list. THANK YOU!
A blog I read daily is Lou Harry’s Arts & Entertainment blog. It is part of the Indianapolis Business Journal: http://www.ibj.com
Hope Baugh – http://www.IndyTheatreHabit.com
Kyle Lacy
Thank you to everyone who is still writing blogs in Indianapolis. Please add to the list! Let’s make it 100… maybe even 200!
Great list. I often read Duncan Alney’s posts on the Firebelly blog and blogschmog.net.
Hi Kyle,
For your consideration:
I’m based in Indy and write a wine blog with a national focus.
I second the commenter on Feed Me/Drink Me, as well.
Brad Ruggles
Wow, being added to the Indy Top 50 Bloggers List? What an honor! Thanks for the shout-out and recognition.
I still want to sit down and have lunch/coffee with you one of these days. Let’s make that happen.
Renee wilmeth
Hey, Kyle, how about considering the huge number of food and lifestyle blogs out there — many of whom are doing great work even though it’s not about marketing, job searching, urban planning.
There’s a great list from the Blog Conference, including Middle West Meals and others, but at the very least, I’d hope you’d add Feed Me/Drink Me —
Kyle Lacy
@Renee This was not meant to be a ranked list of any kind. Just 50 of the top blogs I read. Please feel free to add the urls to the comment section here and we can start compiling a list.
Renee wilmeth
And, of course, serves me right for merely skimming the comments above — thanks to the fabulous Kirsten for the shoutout. She is write as usual about all the blogs she mentions. (And seeing as The Good Grape is one of the top wine blogs in the US, it would be appropriate to add them to the Indiana list.)
Renee wilmeth
50 Top Blogs Kyle Reads is different than the Top 50 Blogs in Indianapolis. Your posts and logo are the latter. Just a data point.
Kyle Lacy
@Renee That is fair. I am going to have topblogsindiana.com open in the next few days to start a running list of blogs people can check out. I hope you will contribute. 🙂
Meghan Peters
Glad to see so many Compendium people! 🙂
Ryan Crozier
The BIGGEST blogger in Indianapolis. (pound for pound)
Kyle Lacy
@Ryan. I knew I had forgotten someone! SHOOT! Welcome to the list Ryan
Lou Begnel
Check out Robby Slaughter’s blog Turning Left against Traffic – I highly recommend. http://www.robbyslaughter.com/blog/
It will be featured as the Blog of the Month in the IndySmallBiz print addition.
Will your blog be next month’s winner? Contact John Gifford – johng@indysmallbiz.com
nice list! Possibly next year I can be included…only if I’m worthy of course (the company you keep looks awesome, I heart Casey).
Oh, and I would like to nominate my friend Sarah of Ordinary Days. She blogs at http://methemama.blogspot.com/
What a great list of blogs! Love to see all the local blogs!
Thanks for the shout out Chuck!!
Day 24. The Top [However Many] Bloggers in Indianapolis «
[…] Lacy took it upon himself to start up a list of [active] Indianapolis bloggers. He dubbed the list 50 Top Blogs – Indianapolis. That’s the logo says at least, but the title and chatter to follow suggests that 50 is only […]
Mike Magan
Great list and thanks for listing my wife, Amy Magan’s, blog. She really puts her heart and soul into it even if I am sometimes, OK oftentimes, the subject of an entry (see top 10 reasons my birthday sucked).
All of her entries are honest and in her voice. It’s a bonus that she’s a great writer, too.
Stop by and get into this weeks giveaway!
Amy Magan
As a relatively recent entrant to the blogosphere, many thanks for recognizing The 4th Frog Blog.
If you have any time left for new blogs (do you sleep?), check out http://allthingsaging.blogspot.com.
Mark Juleen
Humbled and honored! Thanks for including me and for the kind comments. “Pretty much the coolest guy ever” might be a stretch, but I didn’t need to get my head through the door tomorrow anyway. 😉
Angie Seaman
Great list! Being a blogger from
Indy myself, I’m glad to see a list of new blogs I can hit that are from my area. Love that! Thanks for posting this. There are some great ones here.
Blessings, Angie Seaman
Erik Deckers
Hey Kyle,
Thanks for including me. I appreciate it. I’m also using my #2 non-ranking as an excuse to trash talk Patric Welch/Mr. Noobie.
Let me echo Kristen’s suggestions of Renee Wilmeth, Feed Me/Drink Me, Pasta Queen, Hoosier Beer Geek, and Bilerico (in fact, I’m having coffee with Bil Browning later today)>
Nancy Leyes Myrland
Hi Kyle and Lorraine!
If it is possible, I would be humbled to be added. My Blog, Myrland Marketing Minute, offers what I intend to be sound, common sense marketing and retention strategy and advice.
http://www.twitter.com/nancymyrland (micro-blog)
Thanks and let me know if I can ever do anything to help!
John Wooton
Thanks Kyle! It’s so great to have friends like you!
Deb New
Thanks for the recognition. I also enjoyed learning about some other new blogs and bloggers. Lots to be thankful for this year!
Kent Zimmerman
I would humbly submit my blog on (mostly) E-Commerce and Internet Marketing:
And of course my Twitter stream (it’s a form of blogging, no?)
Mama 2 Quads
I think you’re list is in need of a least one more mommy blog:
It’s our jouney in raising quadruplet boys (almost 2). Our joys, adventures, out-takes, laughs. Enjoy!
(Plus it’s #3 on Facebook Top Blogs in Indy)
Here’s one of my favorites, http://www.saveindianaanimals.blogspot.com/.
Connie tracks the latest happenings in the animal welfare community.
Here’s an inspirational blog with tons of cool stories and positive messages. It’s a lighthearted, humorous and uplifting blog (compared to most at least).
Tom Britt Named One of “Top 50 Bloggers” in Indiana | TomBritt.com Online Marketing Blog
[…] scientific data used to determine this list, but the recognition alone is worth mentioning. Kyle Lacy and Lorraine Ball put their heads together and named the “Top 50 Bloggers in […]
Kristie’s Kreations
Great to see you tonight Kyle! For your list of the few that you forgot to mention 🙂 . . . http://www.kristieskreations.wordpress.com
Thanks Kyle!!
Stephen James
Thanks for the linkage. My personal site, LlamaAndLamb.com, is probably more active than the DesignWell.