Seth Godin has an amazing post, yet again. He never ceases to amaze.

In the past when an information medium was invented it was built by marketing. Advertising has supported every information medium since the inception of radio, newspapers, and television. When a specific medium was invented marketers asked the question. “How does this help me?”

Seth Godin adds to this by saying:

If a newspaper, a radio station or a TV station doesn’t please advertisers, it disappears. It exists to make you (the marketer) happy.

The problem, nay the beauty, of the Internet is the fact the shameless advertising does not support this medium of communication. But (being a marketer myself) it begs the question, “How do I use this medium to help my business?”

The question Seth Going asks, which business owners should ask themselves is this:

“How are people (the people I need to reach, interact with and tell stories to) going to use this new power and how can I help them achieve their goals?”

Help your clients first and you will reap the benefits of the amazing power of the Internet.