I think the beautiful thing about the web, social media, marketing, and the business world is that fact that everyone is different.
We would like to sit here and say that there are TONS of companies that are the same. There are 30,343 graphic design firms in Indianapolis. Not true, but you get the point. I am not talking about face value. The difference in each organization is the people behind the brand.
Each company has individuals that run every facet of the arms, legs, and head of the company. They are each an individual. They are each… different. They each have their own ideas, thoughts, and imagination on where the company is headed into the future.
This is an extremely important concept to understand. You need to utilize each individual under a common brand. We all have different ideas on marketing and that is why companies vary greatly on marketing potential… and (of course) disaster.
Utilize your employees. Utilize your customers (your brand). Create a sustainable future for your (their) company. Create a company that embraces change, ignites excitement, and takes full advantage of a trend.
Marketing is always different. Ideas are always different. It is the implementation… that moves mountains.
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Srinivas Rao
I think it is important to to differentiate marketing based on your company and customers. But, one place in social media I think alot of companies miss the boat is forgetting the fundamentals. They often want to be on Twitter just because everybody else is, but don't think about how to use it effectively. The fundamentals of marketing haven't changed in my opinion, just the delivery mechanism