With the agreement to write a nationally published article regarding six “healthy living” bloggers, a freelance writer from Marie Claire instead spurred an onset of criticism and social media backlash. The social media disaster in this scenario is an article titled, The Hunger Diaries, which has depicted the six bloggers in a negative light. To the best of their knowledge the writer, Katie Drummond, was to be writing a feature type story on how these blogs have come to be successful. These six blogs are extremely successful with a huge following of hundreds of thousands visiting each month. However, the article is less than flattering; it’s actually quite mean. Much of the provided content is taken out of context and it’s story angle is not on the success these blogs have had or the positive impact they’ve had on subscribers. In fact the article is suggesting that these bloggers have eating disorders and even worse, putting its readers in danger.
The six women in question are: Kath Younger ( katheats.com), Tina Haupert (carrotsncake.com), Meghann Anderson (graduatemeghann.com), Caitlin Boyle (healthytippingpoint.com), and Heather Pare (hangrypants.com). The sixth founder, Jenna Weber, writes at eatliverun.com. They all write health and fitness blogs and have been contacted by national food and wellness corporations. Some of which include: Stonyfield and Quaker Oats. Needless to say the blogs attract big corporations for a reason and with followings this big their impact is undeniable. These blogs are without a doubt a success story. a story that readers would be interested in knowing more about. If Marie Claire had chosen to write about them in the correct context then they wouldn’t be facing a social media PR crisis. Unfortunately (for Marie Claire), the social media world has been discussing this story and it is in fact, bad press.
Since the article’s release this past weekend fans of the blogs have been in an uproar. Maria Claire received hundreds of thousands of emails and comments. Twitter, Facebook, the blogosphere are all in a state of surprise. Why would a reputable magazine go as low as to write and publish an article that is undoubtedly bias and undoubtedly false? These six women or referred to in the magazine as “the Big Six” are woman who were mislead and ultimately put to shame publicly, without cause. Marie Claire did issue an apology on their Facebook page, which has done nothing to subdue the outrage among angry fans. The women who’s brands have been accused of wrongdoing have said nothing. They haven’t stooped down to Marie Claire editing choices and blatant false accusations. Apparently, there is lack of credible worthy magazine w material to publish and they’ve resorted to distorting the truth. As I’m sure these healthy, successful women can see, their fans are going nowhere. As for Marie Claire, their fans are quickly jumping of bandwagon as a result of such an unjust article.
Who really knows the truth? What we all perceive to be true is a matter of opinion. In a situation like this it is clear that these women were deceived but for a better cause…that’s yet to be seen. Marie Claire has come across as a bully with these women and their following as targets.