I was surprised when I was reading some stats from the PEW Internet & American Life Project via ReadWriteWeb. Apparently the majority of adult social network users are not using the networks for business or professional networking. According to the PEW report the majority of adults (89%) are using social networks to stay in touch with friends. A surprising 6% of all adult users on the Internet are using LinkedIN which makes more sense if you think about it.
LinkedIN has boasted around 30 million users and when you think about the odd 250 million Internet users worldwide… it makes complete sense.
My question for LinkedIN and other professional social networks?
How do you get more people onto your site? How do you utilize your far from perfect application development and draw in more business owners, corporate professionals, and white-collar individuals?
Or does it matter?I don’t think LinkedIN has to expand to the point when they are catering to the people who will not use social media.
It isn’t about numbers anymore. You do not need 60 million people on a network to start making money. LinkedIN should be focusing on it’s 30 million members… switching them over to the premium service.
Adrian Eden
Nice article, and also people shouldnt be worried about how many people are following them on Twitter or how many friends they have on MySpace. Even with very few people engaging Socially with you, you can still be successful, you just have to REALLY engage with EVERYONE around you ALL the time and through that you will build quality contacts, which are the most important by far.
All the best in 2009 my friend !