Change is always for the better, right? Don’t worry this has nothing to do with Facebook. If you’re not familiar with Flowtown it is a tool that allows you to enter customer’s email address to track where they are active online.  Flowtown helps you sift through your database and group contacts. They have teamed up with Wufu, an online form builder, to make your life easier. If you don’t use Wufu I would reccomend checking it out then continue reading.

I also highly recommend Formstack for online form building. They are brilliant!

If you use these tools here what this new integration can do:

1. Sort form submissions

2. Instantly Filters. This ranges anywhere from people who match a certain job description, skills whatever you determine.

3. Set-up Notifications. You can find out when anyone opts in on a page, if they fit into what your interested in (e.g. marketer), location.

4. Automatically. Once someone who opts in on one of your forms and submits their e-mail they are automatically added to your database on Flowtown.

5. Information. You then receive an email with all information on who that person is. How many Twitter followers, online memberships, age..etc.You will also find out if you have any mutual relationships so that you have a point of reference and can make a more personal connection.The information also leads you to this person’s 5 last tweets to better understand what’s relevant to them.

Flowtown is making huge inroads when it comes to adapting to what the social environment is needing, wanting, and using. Check out the tool. It will not disappoint.