That’s right. I downgraded Web 2.0 to Web 1.7 and for good reason!

I received a Google Alert in my email this morning from NetVibes pertaining to the new Social MEdia Dashboard they are building for Oglivy PR

Let me start off by saying I don’t have anything against NetVibes or Oglivy PR. I do have an issue with companies inventing old ways to use social media. I went and checked out the Daily Influence Social Media Dashboard and realized that it was an upscale version of a Yahoo and Google Personalized page. What happened to new ideas and innovation in the social media world? Web 2.0 is being downgraded to Web 1.7

I know that Oglivy is helping people monitor their brand online (which is awesome) but there is still the time issue that is keeping people from using Social Media. Can we create tools that can help people with the problem of management and understanding.

This is just another example of throwing everything in one spot. It solves the problem of multiple Safari or Firefox windows on my screen and that’s about it. I am not trying to throw Oglivy and Netvibes under the bus. This is a shout-out to every social media developer and user. It is time to upgrade. It is time to create something that brings SM to the masses. 

When are we going to truly utilize the power of the social media? 

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