I had a conversation today with a company that we are pitching for marketing and design of their services. We were talking about leading a marketing strategy with the concept of great customer service.

Needless to say. I had a conflict.

Everyone expects great customer service. Customer service is a given in an economy where the Internet has revolutionized the communication model. We KNOW when someone has terrible customer service. You cannot afford to have bad customer service. Period. The concept of running a marketing campaign with WE HAVE GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE… is a mistake and it is boring.

People want to know how you are initially alleviating their pain. The simple fact that you “hire great customer service reps” or are “number one in customer service” does not sell someone on using your service.

We EXPECT great customer service.

My opinion? Great customer service is a secondary experience. It is a secondary buying factor (maybe even a third). It should be more of a business process… ingrained into your company.

Always remember..

When selling your service think about what pain you are alleviating… what pain are you solving? Not.. what does the customer want to know about ME.

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