I’ve spent the past week on vacation in the beautiful state of Washington and Idaho. I love the Northwest of this nation. It is beautiful, relaxing, and full of my family… which I admit… are the best people on earth. Needless to say, it was relaxing and reflective. I also became engaged to my wonderful girlfriend/finance, Rachel King. It was a busy week.
I tend to take two vacations throughout the year, one in the summer and one in the winter. During my time off… I unplug completely from email, the phone, Internet, and social media. Crazy right? I am an extreme believer that you need time off in your daily activities. I have made it a point to stay fairly disconnected on weekends and disconnected completely on vacations. It means the world to my family and my brain is cheering me on as well.
Why is it important to unplug for young entrepreneurs?
1. It Keeps You Fresh – As young people, we have one thing above all – energy. It is extremely important to stay fresh and active while you are building your company and/or helping other people build a business! If you unplug… it helps your brain refocus and understand what is truly important.
2. It Keeps You Focused – I tend to lose track of what is important in life when I am running around the office. A vacation with my family helps correct that. Why? Well, it helps me become focused on what is extremely important in life. I know that I will always have problems in the business but life outside of that “entity” is what truly matters. It is important that you always focus on what is important. Your entrepreneurial spirit should help build what is important… not destroy it.
3. It Keeps You Energized – When I return from vacation… I always want to jump straight into the mess. When you relax and allow your brain to refocus, your energy level increases. While I miss my family, I know that I need to do what I love… which is building a business. It all helps in the process we call life.
4. It Allows You to Redefine Yourself – When you remove your from the daily routine… you are allowing for a creative tension that redefines your ability to shift your personal paradigm. What is a personal paradigm? A corner, plain and simple. When you work on the day-to-day it is important to stay involved in your ability to shift your professional personality to stay with the trends!
5. It Keeps You Educated – We tend to rely on business books and blogs to keep us educated on what is good philosophy and strategy when running a business. I actually get more from time with family and friends than a business book. You can watch how people treat each other, talk with your family about past experiences, and understand the importance of loyalty. That is the true value of vacation.
I’ve always been a fan of hard work and easy vacations. It keeps you fresh and your perspective in place.
The Regular Joe
It is very important to take your eyes of the screen here and there and look out for yourself. you are the most important project your will ever work on http://theregjoe.blogspot.com/2011/06/entrepreneu…
I totally agree with you. Taking some time off gives you the enthusiasm to get right back on with more zeal and eagerness and with a load of ideas from your social interactions.
Jorge Mira
Great thoughts, Kyle. Completely agree! Thanks a lot and enjoy the rest of your vacation 🙂
11 Entrepreneurs on Achieving Work-Life Balance | OpenView Labs
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