This video was made about a year ago when Brandswag was still working out of my apartment in Fishers, Indiana. Please ignore the dresser. I wanted to repost it because of the content relating to the productivity of social media.
This video was made about a year ago when Brandswag was still working out of my apartment in Fishers, Indiana. Please ignore the dresser. I wanted to repost it because of the content relating to the productivity of social media.
Video: My Thoughts on Social Media Productivity | Kyle Lacy … « Productivity
[…] Go here to see the original: Video: My Thoughts on Social… […]
You've grown up since then…
Mary Ann Halford
Great advice . . . and still relevant a year later . . . how about reproducing in a better settting . . . and yes, may be a better choice of clothes! Thanks for sharing.
Ha. I probably should do that.. I will keep you updated
Isn't having the video shot in your apartment and showing that sometimes you can lay back and not be dressed up adding to your personality? I think it helps make the whole thing real and authentic. Plus it shows how far Bradswag has come.
Touchdown! That’s a ralley cool way of putting it!
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