Direct mail… Yellow pages… Many traditional marketing concepts have killed the personality of your company. They have taken the story you had at the beginning… that wonderful plan to rule the world and do it with your mind.. and yes they trampled it. Do you find yourself asking the question.. “How did I get here?”
How did I become part of the pack? Doing the same marketing and communications strategy as everyone else..
It is interesting to read blog post like the one by Jay Baer at Convince&Convert called Marketing Sideways to Win at Social MEdia, that call for companies to start marketing their personality instead of something NOT interesting.
Times are tough. Marketing is tough. Competition is fierce. You have to dig down deep to reach the personality and the interesting world of what makes you DIFFERENT from everyone else.
Use new tools like social media. Social media has the strength of bringing your personality out of your company. You deserve to find that personality again. You deserve to connect with consumers on a level that has never been touched in the world of traditional marketing.
A world that is controlled by the consumer but when you crack it… when you become a part of the community.. the flood gates will open and you will find your personality again.
Unless you never had one to begin with…
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Jason Baer
Thanks for the shout out KL.
I believe all companies have a personality, but that almost no companies are capable of finding it themselves. They are way too close to it, so they just opt for the usual, boring features & benefits.
You really need an outsider, a marketing anthropologist, to help your brand uncover its inner personality.
Kyle Lacy
I agree that you need an outsider to really maximize the overall potential as a company. When you are small and nimble it is a little easier to adjust to your “personality.” As you bring on employees, however, and become busier you may lose that vision with which you started..
Good thoughts Jason.
Nicole DeRuiter
Good arguments, Kyle, but the problem is sometimes the company’s REAL personality is something you want to share. Think Microsoft – ruthless, 100% business minded, etc. 😉 I’ll be thinking about this as I work on a strategy for a new project I’m taking part in, however, so thanks for the thinking points.
Chris Baggott
One of our main advocacy's with Compendium is the idea that every employee should have a voice in corporate blogging. As Edleman so wisely says, "Employee Bloggers are 5 times a credible as 'C' level bloggers."
Personality comes from people not institutions. Brand corruption has made us forget that our organizations are full of smart passionate people, who like their jobs, care about the customer, believe in the product or service and want to participate. Free them, and you free the personality of your organization.
Chris Jones
The problem is finding the right people to manage your marketing, and once you find out how they work and what result they are generating some of the damage is often done. I think more time spent prior to appointing a marketeer, to make sure they are working towards what you want and not towards how they think things should be done is a wise policy.