Wireless Internet is a technological innovation that has made it easier for people to connect to one another, gather information on a subject or in the case of online retailers, reach potential customers. Many businesses such as bookstores, coffee shops, restaurants and other venues offer free wireless Internet service to attract customers that wish to use their laptops while inside the establishment. However, wireless Internet can be used in more ways to entice new customers and establish a successful marketing strategy.
Marketing on the Go
The obvious advantage to marketing using wireless Internet is the freedom to do so wherever and whenever you choose to. Using a 4G wireless network or a smart phone you can update your company’s Twitter and Facebook accounts, send out mass e-mails or update your company’s website while laying in bed, getting some fresh air or relaxing in your favorite coffee house. It also gives you the ability to conduct product and market research immediately so you don’t have to wait to make your mind up on important business decisions. For a small business owner or a person that is self-employed, this flexibility can allow them to operate a much larger marketing campaign with less manpower.
Digital Word of Mouth
Word of mouth is a powerful tool that can help with the success of a business or establishment and with wireless Internet, the good word can be put out immediately. As smart phones with GPS have the ability to sync up with social networking sites, many of your customers may be alerting their friends and family that they’re coming into your establishment, thus creating a positive association with your brand that is instantaneous.
A customer with a wireless Internet devices is more likely to review your business, join your mailing group or make a status update about your establishment because they have the ability to do so immediately. A customer that has to go back home to their computer may put a few hours between their positive experience with your business and what they actually say, or if they do so at all. This also means that customers are promoting your business during prime business hours instead of later in the evening when they come home.
Wireless Can Help Your Customers Find You
Now that more and more people are relying on wireless Internet technology in their daily lives it has changed the ways that businesses can market themselves and how customers find themselves at your establishment. Many customers, when looking for a service while on the go or in an unfamiliar area will rely on Internet searches from their wireless devices to find their way to what they are looking for. By establishing a presence on review sites or places like Google maps you can increase the amount of walk-in customers that come to your business when they need a service that you can provide.
Text Message Marketing
As many people check their text messages more frequently than their e-mail, many companies have starting using text messaging marketing to be able to reach potential customers no matter where they might be. When used in moderation and not to the point of excessiveness, mass text message marketing can be a good way to put out the word quickly for special limited time offers or deals. A mass text message is ideal because it can reach all cell phone users, whether they have a data plan or not, because it uses the standard messaging service included in most calling plans. However, as some customers get charged for each text message they receive, it is often better to ask customers to sign up for this service themselves, letting them know some standard message rates may apply if they do.
Wireless internet service is making it possible for more and more customers to hear about your product online even when they’re not at their home computer. By properly utilizing wireless Internet marketing you have the potential to reach a much wider audience and benefit from a strong Internet presence.
I would say, the improvement in "power of us" can be attributed to popularity of social networks and the new trend of "Link-Love (linking to something of interest to readers)" on community blogs and personal journals..This has helped create both hot-spots and hip-spots in the virtual community which are almost as effective as traditional community relationships at least when it comes to product referrals and website referrals..
On a lighter note, because gas prices are mentioned in one comment – is there any contribution of higher gas prices in people's preference in using someone's referral/virtual communities rather than driving around town and checking for best deals ? Might be an interesting study..