The other reason to use the Promotions Tab is the control and rules you can create for you group. You groups rules are totally definable by you, the creator of the group. Now…what kind of rules or guidelines will you impose. You want to lay out some guidelines so that you group becomes a place to discuss and network not a place to self promote, or speak negatively about others. So if a member wants to promote something…anything…unless otherwise determined inappropriate by you..have them post in the Promotional Tab. Viola! Organization.
Another “rule” to keep in mind (use the word rule loosely as you don’t want your group to be a place full of dos and don’ts) Encourage your users to post in the appropriate sections and give reasons why content was removed and in return compliment good content to encourage similar behavior.
Now you can let out a sigh of relief and regain more control of your group. Once again LinkedIn is empowering its users to make the most out of their time on the site.
AFAIC that’s the best asnwer so far!
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Pandora Charm
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