I had the pleasure of contributing content to an excellent report released yesterday by email/direct marketing company, ExactTarget. The report is called Letters to the C-Suite: Getting Serious About Social Media. Here is the breakdown:
You know social media is a big deal and that you brand should be engaged. But you still find yourself questioning how to monetize social media and where it fits with your other marketing activities. Sound familiar? Here is what is covered:
1. The importance of planning and implementing a social media strategy
2. How to build stronger customer relationships using social media outlets
3. Operationalization of social media marketing and how it directly impacts your bottom line
4. The value of social media testing and optimization efforts
I was joined by eleven other consultants in the report. Please check out their sites and join in the conversation:
Jay Baer – Convince and Convert
David Baker – Razorfish
Sergio Balegno – MarketingSherpa
Olivier Blanchard – The Brand Builder
Jason Falls – Social Media Explorer
Ann Handley – MarketingProfs
Joseph Jaffe – Powered/Flip the Funnel
Valeria Maltoni – Conversation Agent
Shelly Palmer – Advanced Media Ventures Group
Trey Pennington – Spitball Marketing
Jeffrey K. Rohrs – ExactTarget
It is all about navigating through the wonderful world of social media. If you would like to download the report please click the follow link and enjoy > Letters to the C-Suite: Getting Serious About Social Media.
Have you budgeted for social media in 2010?
[…] Hey Execs: It’s Time to Embrace Social (kylelacy.com) […]
Hey, that’s the geratset! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?