It has been a Facebook kind of week. Yet again, it is always a Facebook kind of week. At MindFrame, we have been developing multiple strategies for Facebook Ad development. ComScore released a statistic stating that Facebook accounts for nearly one in three online ads in the US.
That is nearly a third of online ads in the United States.
The results were based on 1.11 trillion display ads there were shown to US internet users during the first quarter of 2011. Want to know another crazy stat? Google placed in fifth with 27.9 billion impressions.
What is even crazier and probably absolutely brillant? Facebook has started paying some users $.10 to watch certain ads. The social giant will reward users who watch certain ads with Facebook credits, which can be used to purchase goods on Facebook deals.
According to Mashable, the ads will mostly be in games because of the support from CrowdStar, Digital Chocolate, and Zynga.
Why this move away from interruption advertising?
Other than Facebook’s low banner click-through rates, it could due to the massive increase in incentive type marketing through platforms like Deals and Groupon. The major players in the social industry have started investing heavily into the daily deals world.
So… how does this change anything? Does it really matter to you?
I am excited for the concept to move away from the gaming world and be delivered to all ad campaign clients. I like the concept of paying for views of a video through a platform that is extremely in tune with the needs of the audience. If I can increase CTR and traffic through the purchase of incentive based advertising…. I am in.