Twitter is growing by leaps and bounds and it is important that you start utilizing the tool. There are thousands upon millions of people using Twitter and many of them could be your future clients!

1. Use Twitalyer to Track Untold Amounts of Data

The people behind Twitalyzer have created a tool that allows you to trend thirty different metrics to measure your effectiveness on social media and Twitter. You can chose which measures are right for you and your use of Twitter. The site gives you dozen of ways to visualize the content in order to make the metrics highly digestible to the new user. This site is a great way to track your content!

2. Use CoTweet to Organize Your Team

CoTweet is a web application that allows you to manage multiple Twitter accounts through a single CoTweet login. This is a great tool for businesses with more than a couple of employees using Twitter at one time. You have the ability to monitor keywords and different trending topics on Twitter. You can assign Tweets and on duty notifications for your employees! I would recommend this for any business owner.

3. Connect with People in Your Industry using Twellow

You may be surprised how many people use Twitter in your industry. You can easily find and connect to people by using a tool called Twellow ( Twellow has been called the yellow pages for Twitter. You have the ability to search industry and location for users in your target niche!

4. Track local users on Twitter

If you are currently using Twitter to share information it is extremely important to connect with potential customers in your area of influence. (Do you see a trend forming here?) If you are a service based organization your location is probably one of the more important areas of influence for your brand. The site allows you to search over different keywords in a geographic area. If a user is talking about a topic that is central to your business. . . communicate with them.

5. Use Twitter Search

If you are using Twitter you know how hard it is to follow all the conversations. It is important to utilize tchis tool to follow conversations on this growing social network. Use Twitter Search to follow certain trends (social media marketing) or people (competition perhaps?).

To read more about Twitter marketing and development please see my book – Twitter Marketing for Dummies.