If you haven’t noticed, Facebook recently released a new tagging system for the photo galleried on your Facebook pages and profiles. Now, you have the ability to tag photos with a brand, product, company or person’s Facebook page, similar to the way you tag your friends in photos.
This is great news… in my opinion.
When a page is tagged the photo will show up on the Photos tab and not on the wall like many personal accounts. I heard about this new feature from a Techcrunch article released yesterday.
Why is this development important to you… the business or organization?
There are about 30 billion reasons why.
According to a recent stat by Royal Pingdom, Facebook users shares a total of around 30 billion piece of content (video, photos, notes, links) per month. 30 BILLION. Almost 4 billion of that count are pictures.
So what does it mean? What are some ways you can use the new feature in Facebook to further your brand.
1. Tag Your Brand at a Sponsored Event. If you are a brand that has sponsored a certain event and the photos are published on Facebook… it will be extremely important for you to tag yourself in the pictures in order to further your brand.
2. Tag Your Brand within a Product Photo. As stated in the Techcrunch article, a brand can now tag itself in the photo of an individual using the product. If you know of an individual who posted a picture using, consuming, or purchasing your product… tag yourself. It could mean additional exposure.
3. Encourage Influencers to Build Deeper Connection. We have been spouting for years about the importance of building an influencer base within a social network or online community. You now have the opportunity to further the relationship with the influencer and their network. Encourage your influencers to tag themselves with your page… using your product.
4. Create Emphasis Around an Philanthropy or Activity. Many brands encourage their fans, followers, and consumers to be better at other areas of life other than their specific fulfilled need. Toyota encourages people to be better with the environment and other large brands support aid to foreign countries. Allow your users to tag themselves completing or supporting an activity that is positive to their personal lives but may not be related to your brand.
5. Take More Ownership in Brand Use. Positive or negative… the world of social media has opened up the wide flood gate of consumer conversations around brands and products. We (as the business professional) have been assaulted with positive and negative reviews. The tagging of images allows you to become more in-tune with your consumer base. Encourage people to post a picture about a negative experience with your brand. THAT is where true change happens. Ask Dominoes.
Jessica Journey
I'm so excited that we can finally tag fan pages in photos! Thanks for highlighting the benefits.
Thank you for this post. I have some tagging to do.
But explain to me how you actually DO number 4. I am confused by that one.
Ari Herzog
Unless anyone can tag a page, I fail to see how it works. Do I need to be friends with everyone I tag? Or can a fan tag the page?
Peter Zmijewski
Very nice tips in this blogging, I really love the first point "Tag Your Brand at a Sponsored Event", I love this blogging & awaiting for the same important blog in near future…