There is a great site that was just launched yesterday by Indianapolis creative firm Mediasauce. The site is called Pledge to End Hunger and it was created to help feed needy families and children across this great nation of ours.
I am a huge fan when companies take the initiative and try to make our world a better place. The site is extremely well designed and as of this morning they have a total of:
761 Pledges
266,351 lbs of food
106,540 meals
On the site there is a way for the user to either GIVE, VOLUNTEER, or SHARE. To be completely honest with you… I just get excited when people take it upon themselves to help others. This is a great way to get a ton of people onto a cause and the site is well designed too! I am looking forward to seeing what comes of this entire campaign.
Also, if you are looking for a good way to take your website from 1.0 to 2.0… Go check out the Pledge to End Hunger site.