Social media has transformed the landscape for small business marketing. Businesses can utilize social media to drive sales, promote services and engage with customers. Here aret three tips on what NOT to do to keep in mind when using social media for a small business:
1. Do Not Scream
When marketing your small business do not scream via social media your sales pitch. People will ignore you completely. First, engage in conversations and build relationships. The more your customers do your selling the more credible your product/service becomes. So shy away from your tendency to scream, yell, and sell your company. Engage with users on social media and let me feel led to shout your awesomeness. Don’t you do it. That’s just being vain.
2. Do Not Forget about Customer Service on Social Media
Social networks are essentially word of mouth marketing.Therefore, it becomes imperative to spend the time answering questions and responding to customers reaching out to you. Social networks allow you to give better customer service because you can reach more customers at one time.Don’t forget that people are talking about you online whether or not your listening. You need to be giving as good of customer service you would in location as you would online. In this day and age it’s all the same anyways.
3. Do Not Think the Social World Revolves Around Your Brand
Do know when you talk about your brand too much to the point of annoyance. We don’t need to hear about every wonderful thing your company has done. Instead we want to see you caring and engaging with others. Social networks should rarely be about your business but about the customers who make your business possible.
Ultimately, remember why you started using social media for the first place. Hopefully some of you wanted to connect on a deeper level with customers or to give better service. Users want to know your successes. By putting less focus on yourself and more on others the customers will do that for you, don’t forget the power of word of mouth marketing.
Randy Clark
Last week two people asked me to meet over coffee and help them form a tweeter strategy for their business. The first thing I shared was I am not an exert, I am learning, second invest in Twitter Marketing for Dummies and the third "To balance all the types of messages you send out." PG 51 Do not become spam like.
Great post! Thanks for the tips! Here is another blog with social media tips that I would like to share……