Now days more often than not college students are applying for social media internships. As we all know internships are extremely valuable experiences during college. In this day and age obtaining a social media internship has naturally become a coveted position. When resumes come piling in how do you decide who to give the internship to? How do you know who’s the best fit? With some help from Mashable, this is how to find your perfect social media intern.
Don’t hire just to hire. If a student is studying biology then they most likely won’t be a good fit. Hire someone with passion for your company, for what you do. If they have passion then they have motivation, which means they will most likely do a good job. A little gumptoin, enthusiasm and a smile go along way. What isn’t known can be taught but social skills are taught on their own. The right attitude can make or break an opportunity.
An intern must have strong communication skills. After all, once on the Internet it’s there forever.Take note of how they communicate. If they can communicate with you in clear and articulate way than most likely this will translate when communicating online. Communication is key.
3. Writing Skills
You shouldn’t expect a Hemingway on your hands but strong writing skills are important.When writing it’s necessary to be able to get a message across, put together complete thoughts and be interesting. Also take note to look for some wit or charm to come through as a reflection of his/her personality. You don’t want to hire someone who can’t communicate through writing. It’s an important and crucial aspect to using social media. It’s a written. It’s all on black and white.
We all love our interns. They make our life easier. Hiring an intern creates a business relationship beneficial to both parties.See how active they are already with social media. Get a feel for who they are and what they can do or be taught to do. Hire someone trustworthy and who know will take initiative. Take the time and hire the best fit for your business needs. This really should be fun! What other tips can you offer?
This is an excellent post, even for someone like myself reading this from the intern's perspective. You provide some great insight about what it takes to be a valued worker at a social media internship. I really like how you talk about getting the point across; I never realized how important that could be in the context of social media. I have an internship at a publication company where I am in charge of all aspects of social media, and I am definitely going to remember this post from now on, thanks.
I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s ipmerssing me! 🙂
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