I was just finishing up this post when a status update came to my attention on my Facebook wall. The much acclaimed marketing technology blogger, Douglas Karr, had just written a post entitled Brody PR: When to Fire Your PR Firm. It was absolutely hilarious and expected that we were thinking in the same world.. because well… Doug is one of my social media mentors. This is officially the first not-planned tag team post by myself and Doug Karr.. enjoy.
Doug’s post talks about the misuse of an email campaign by Brody PR in order to sell a social media book that was written by a client. Doug gives a good argument on why the PR firm should be fired because of spamming individuals about a book that frankly… no one cared about. This all comes down to communication and strategy which Brody apparently didn’t do very well. Now, let’s see if they are doing their own brand reputation management. I am looking for a comment from the firm.
The same concept applies to your PR firm discussing the concept of a social media strategy. It is pretty simple. If your public relations company is NOT talking to you about social media you should fire them. Better yet… check to see if they are talking about it at all. A social media onslaught may not necessarily apply to your communications strategy but wouldn’t you prefer the PR firm in which you hired to be up to date on communication tools?
If your public relations firm is not writing, speaking, and educating their clients on how to use social media for brand management or communication… fire them on the spot. Find someone who actually cares about the changes in communication and technology.
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- Are you willing to do what it takes to create visibility on the Web? (buildabetterblog.com)
- Social Network Publishing | Bianca Gubalke (jonggunlee.tistory.com)
I mentioned this on Doug's blog, but he irony is that when you visit Brody PR's website the first thing you see is their header image with "An agency with a conscience…"
Isn't it a wonderful thing? ha.
Paige Holden
Well put Kyle! There are a lot of PR firms out there that don't engage in social media – it's easier to stick your head in the sand than learn something new. Unfortunately, by the time they get started, braver firms will have already carved out a niche for themselves in this area.
Beth Brody
Dear Kyle,
I have learned much from my experiences this week. In fact, I was inspired to write about it so that others could learn from my mistake, http://brodypr.blogspot.com/
I want to thank all the people who shared their wisdom with me.
Beth Brody
Pandora Charm
I'm really enjoying the last few posts in which you describe your process – very informative!