Kat Jaib beat me to the punch! I had been writing this 4th step in implementing a social media strategy as engage and Kat beat me to it in a comment earlier on my morning blog post. Kat is right when pertaining to the 4th E in the social media strategy: Engaging the Community
After you have stepped through the 3 E’s of Embrace, Educate and Empower it is important to engage the community in conversation. If you think of it as an action point you are listening and learning. By engaging the community you are creating action steps to supporting relationships to the people using social media.
Engagement means you care about what other people are saying online. What happens when you actually listen and engage? You create a new lead generation and communication tool.
When people know you care… they return the favor.
Related articles by Zemanta
- HOW TO: Manage Social Media Goals and Expectations (mashable.com)
- When is outsourcing social media okay and when is it not (socialmediatoday.com)
- Social Media Class, what I learned. (multitaskingmoms.com)
- Top 10 Broadcasting Brain posts (broadcasting-brain.com)
TYVM you’ve solved all my porbelms