There are two blogs that I tend to read on a daily basis – Jay Baer’s Convince and Convert and Seth Godin’s blog. I love both with utmost intensity. They always have excellent content that makes you move mountains to get where you need to go. I was reading Seth’s blog today and he made a point about remarkable work that is worth repeating:

Remarkable work often comes from making choices when everyone else feels as though there is no choice. Difficult choices involve painful sacrifices, advance planning or just plain guts.

Remarkable work comes from being different and changing the landscape based on your knowledge and intuition. You need both. It is not enough to just be knowledgeable… and it is not enough to just be extremely intuitive. You need both to succeed in the world of technology, marketing, and business.

Heck… you need it to succeed in life.

Do you have the ability to take a risk and make a decision based on your intuition and knowledge? Only the best… take the risk.