I love LinkedIn… there I said it. I’m a huge advocate of using LinkedIn for networking and personal brand development. I have used the site religiously for over 4 years and will not stop. However, I have less experience in the LinkedIn ad placement and development.

I wanted to learn more about the development of a successful LinkedIn Ad campaign and so I tapped the mind of Kristina Allen.

Kristina Allen (previously the online marketing manager at ion interactive, now the marketing manager at Nimble, makers of the first truly social CRM.) ran a LinkedIn ad campaign in order to drive more interaction and leads for her company. We learned that her click-through rate was an abysmal under 1% CTR (despite really targeted ads. She notes that it could be because she was targeting online marketers at the management/executive level who may be mostly bling to online ads.

However, she did receive high conversion rates (20-30% range). This is what she did in order to receive the high conversion rates:

  1. Create a landing page for each ad campaign with the message, image, and offer to match that of the ad
  2. Included a call to action as the last sentence in the ad (like “Buy it now”)
  3. Optimized the landing page for conversion (which includes minimal form fields, call to action kept above the fold, bullet point description of what to expect, and emphasizing the added value.
  4. Use landing page software to track conversion (+A/B test page variations). You can use either Formstack or LiveBall by ion interactive to accomplish this task.
  5. Create niche networks to drive your ad and remember that an abismal click through rate does not mean you have a bad ad… conversion is everything.