Thanks to my editor at Pearson Publishing, Katherine Bull, for directing me to the email etiquette post by Seth Godin. I absolutely loved this list…. so…. in light of idea generation and borrowing… I decided to change up and republish Seth’s list with a few of my own.

1. If the email is going to a group, have you thought about who is on your list?

2. Is there anybody blind copied on the email?

3. Does everyone on the list REALLY need to receive this email?

4. Is there anybody NOT on the list who would complain that they were not included in the message?

5. Do not send a mass email messages to a group of people JUST because they have one thing in common. Example: all golfers or all bloggers.

6. Do not send a mass email using your reply all function in Outlook.

7. Be very sure that the reply function will actually work and be sent to a real person.

8. Is your email signature added to all emails sent? It should be.

9. Never send an email that your mother would delete.

10. Are you pissed off? Wait 12 hours.

11. Should I just pick up the phone? Probably.

12. Are you blind-ccing anyone on the email? Does it matter that they find out?

13. Do I hold down the caps lock button while typing? Stop doing it.

14. Have I included the line, “Please save the planet. Don’t print this email”? (If so, please delete the line and consider a job as a forest ranger or flight attendant).

15. Am I forwarding something about a virus or worldwide charity effort or other potential hoax? (If so, visit snopes and check to see if it’s ‘actually true).

16. Did you take more than 15 seconds to write this email? If not, re-read message.

17. If you are sending an e-newsletter or invite to an event… does this person REALLY want to receive this message?

18. If you had to pay 42 cents to send this email… would you send it?

19. Does your signature blink or have an animated icon? NAY… are there any animated icons? Please reconsider.

20. Do I have any graphics or notepad icons for the background of my email? Please change.

21. Do I use font that resembles a doctor’s handwriting? Please change.

22. Is it black type at a normal size?

23. Is there anything in this email you don’t want the attorney general, the media or your boss seeing? (If so, hit delete).

24. Are you forwarding something about religion (yours or someone else’s)? (If so, delete).

25. Does the email subject line make any sense?